Saturday, March 22, 2008

Asal Kejadian Neraka

Assalamualaikum. Mcm Afdlin ckp, x jwb dosa.

Maksud Insan = lemah, pelupa.

Sbbkn kite sumer pelupe, nih nk bagi krg beringat sket. Termasukla aku heh!

Luaaasnya Neraka.

Yazid Arraqqasyi dari Anas bin Malik ra. berkata, Jibrail datang kepada Nabi s.a.w pada waktu yang ia tidak biasa datang dalam keadaan berubah mukanya, maka ditanya oleh Nabi s.a.w:

"Mengapa aku melihat kau berubah muka?"

Jawab Jibrail:
"Ya Muhammad, aku datang kepadamu di saat Allah menyuruh supaya dikobarkan penyalaan api neraka, maka tidak layak bagi orang yg mengetahui bahawa neraka Jahannam itu benar, dan siksa kubur itu benar, dan siksa Allah itu terbesar untuk bersuka-suka sebelum ia merasa aman dari padanya"

Lalu nabi s.a.w. bersabda:

"Ya Jibrail, jelaskan padaku sifat Jahannam"


"Ya. Ketika Allah menjadikan Jahannam, maka dinyalakan selama seribu tahun, sehingga merah, kemudian dilanjutkan seribu tahun sehingga putih, kemudian seribu tahun sehingga hitam, maka ia hitam gelap, tidak pernah padam nyala dan baranya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan terbuka sebesar lubang jarum nescaya akan dapat membakar penduduk dunia semuanya kerana panasnya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu baju ahli neraka itu digantung di antara langit dan bumi nescaya akan mati penduduk bumi kerana panas dan basinya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu pergelangan dari rantai yg disebut dalam Al-Quran itu diletakkan di atas bukit, nescaya akan cair sampai ke bawah bumi yg ke tujuh.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan seorang di hujung barat tersiksa, nescaya akan terbakar orang-orang yang di hujung timur kerana sangat panasnya, Jahannam itu sangat dalam dan perhiasannya besi dan minumannya air panas campur nanah dan pakaiannya potongan-potongan api

Api neraka itu ada tujuh pintu, tiap-tiap pintu ada bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan perempuan"

Nabi s.a.w. bertanya:

"Apakah pintu-pintunya bagaikan pintu-pintu rumah kami?"

Jawab Jibrail:
"Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka, setengahnya di bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak perjalanan 70,000 tahun, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang lain 70 kali ganda."

(nota kefahaman: iaitu yg lebih bawah lebih panas)

Tanya Rasulullah s.a.w:
"Siapakah penduduk masing-masing pintu?"

Jawab Jibrail:

"Pintu yg terbawah untuk orang-orang munafik, dan orang-orang yg kafir setelah diturunkan hidangan mukjizat nabi Isa a.s. serta keluarga Fir'aun sedang namanya Al-Hawiyah

Pintu kedua tempat orang-orang musyrikin bernama Jahim

Pintu ketiga tempat orang shobi'in bernama Saqar

Pintu keempat tempat Iblis dan pengikutnya dari kaum majusi bernama Ladha

Pintu kelima orang yahudi bernama Huthomah

Pintu keenam tempat orang nasara bernama Sa'eir"

Kemudian Jibrail diam segan pada Rasulullah s.a.w. sehingga ditanya:

"Mengapa tidak kau terangkan penduduk pintu ke tujuh?"

Jawab Jibrail:

"Di dalamnya orang-orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu yg sampai mati belum sempat bertaubat"

Maka nabi s.a.w. jatuh pingsan ketika mendengar keterangan itu, sehingga Jibrail meletakkan kepala nabi s.a.w. di pangkuannya sehingga sedar kembali dan sesudah sedar nabi s.a.w bersabda:

"Ya Jibrail, sungguh besar kerisauanku dan sangat sedihku, apakah ada seorang dari ummat ku yang akan masuk ke dalam neraka?"


"Ya, iaitu orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu"

Kemudian nabi s.a.w. menangis, Jibrail juga menangis, kemudian nabi s.a.w. masuk ke dalam rumahnya dan tidak keluar kecuali untuk sembahyang kemudian kembali dan tidak berbicara dengan orang dan bila sembahyang selalu menangis dan minta kepada Allah.

Tahukah kamu bahawa Neraka Jahanam itu:

1. Mempunyai 7 tingkat

2. Setiap tingkat mempunyai 70,000 daerah

3. Setiap daerah mempunyai 70,000 kampung

4. Setiap kampung mempunyai 70,000 rumah

5. Setiap rumah mempunyai 70,000 bilik

6. Setiap bilik mempunyai 70,000 kotak

7. Setiap kotak mempunyai 70,000 batang pokok zarqum

8. Di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 ekor ular

9. Di dalam mulut setiap ular yang panjang 70 hasta mengandungi lautan racun yang hitam pekat.

10. Juga di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 rantai

11. Setiap rantai diseret oleh 70,000 malaikat

Mudah-mudahan ini dapat menimbulkan keinsafan kepada kita semua.....

Bak kata si Nabil Raja Lawak 2 Astro,

"Lu pikir la sendre"


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Beauty without Brain

Trying real hard to record her belly dancing with her webcam, this girl definitely deserves some recognition and some exposures here.

She was so falling in love with her own body she saw on her computer screen that she actually fell for it. (;

Friday, March 14, 2008

In the absence of tooth pick, I'll usually resort to paperclip instead...

Since I have a small gap between one tooth and the other tooth at the back of my mouth, food constantly get stuck comfortably (whatever that means) in that gap.

To alleviate from being uncomfortable of having something in my mouth, I'll always get back to my room to wash my mouth or simply take the junk out using traditional toothpick. The former however, doesn't always work. Toothpick by contrast, does a great job...I'm impressed! hehehe...

Too bad, often when I'm in campus, I'll have trouble finding cafes that provide toothpick at their premises.

Solution?: I'll resort to another alternative tool which more or less serves very similar purpose...Jeng3..Pretty much disgusting...I can say..You've been warned...

I use Paperclips...Hahahahaha!




Step 1: Lay it down on flat surface..

Step 2: Pull one side straight....Hah! Siap pun!

Step 3: Koreklah.....
You'll feel relieved that I can assure you...Kekeke!
Please ignore this crappy post....I take the biggest crap whenever I feel depressed....Mintak maap la ye....

I hope the photos will stick in your memory for a long time...Long enough you'll loose appetite everytime you are about to have your daily meal...Ngehehehe...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

When Lim Guan Eng of DAP announced that

he would scrap the NEP (National Economic Policy) in Malaysia's only Chinese-majority state, Penang, I have a mixed feeling on this.

Majority knows that NEP gives Malays preference for almost everything from jobs and housing to government contracts, educational opportunities and stocks.

They claim NEP breeds cronyism and corruption. I don't know...maybe it's true to some extent but I really can't say for certain simply because I have limited knowledge wether or not the corruptions and cronyism happened.

But if you ask my personal view on this, I'd say: NEP is perfectly fine. After all, NEP is the only policy I can think of that heavily provides the 'much stability needed' to the country all this while since it was introduced.

I say the NEP itself is perfectly fine. The ONLY problem associated with NEP is due to its IMPLEMENTATION. The way that it is implemented is flawed.

Hmm....If only they can work on improvising its implementation well, everyone is going to be happy.

So what do you think? No or Yes to NEP? As far as we (my family and I) are concerned; YES.

That's my opinion, you can have yours...

*The original source can be read here

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ironically, Mahathir and Anwar

had been the 'push and pull' factor over the campaign period that contributes to the surprising result of the 12th General Election. Mahathir with his blunt criticism towards Pak Lah and Anwar with his appealing promises. By now we all know the result, and it considerably took all of us by surprise. It was a sudden and stunning end (at least to 4 main states BN formerly ruled) to almost 40 years of BN rule in these states.

The MAIN QUESTION I would personally like to ask is:

How did BN not see it coming?

Certainly, to most of BN component parties, the night of March 8 was a night when predictions, assumptions and stereotypes went flying out of the window.

It looks like BN intelligence sources have gone haywire....they should've expected this prior the GE, and subsequently do necessary mitigation plan to ensure 2/3 majority...

The vote swing was expected but the degree of swing stunned everyone including me....hehehe

Now BN, despite the win, have to work hard as the opposition parties, with Penang and Selangor under their control, will have stronger financial muscles for the next fight..

Anyway, above all, I had cast my vote, carried out my right (or rather duty) as a citizen and that, is the least thing I can do for the country...

Despite all of this happened for the betterment of the general public, I still could not find any leader that I can truly rely on. In fact, I would rather cast my vote for Maimun (or Tok Mun) instead (if I stay in Kuala Terengganu lah...)

I've come across her blog and found out that she is truly inspiring and most importantly, sincere...despite being the oldest election candidate in M'sia and quite possibly in the world..

(Kdg2 aku rase malu sgt bile nenek mcm die ckp die x tahan org2 mude asyik complain tp x nk buat sesuatu ttg masalah yg dihadapi...) Click on Tok Mun's poster below to view her blog!

Now, we should keep watching closely on all parties as they translate their manifestos into actions. We have plenty of time to see who will deliver who will not. And by the end of these coming 4 years, Malaysia will again determine which party with performance that is just as crappy as its manifesto. After all, if you can be voted in, you can also be voted out!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Hujan, they're good but

Aku fhm klw diorg nih nk buat kerek ngn artis mainstream, tp silela jgn berlagak dgn fan2 kamu..

they're so stuck-up big time. I watched them performing live in this one event, and liked them right away. They sounded great and everyone was like singing along with the person in the next seat proving how the audience was relating to Hujan's music without very much effort from Hujan themselves. That, was on stage.

What I saw backstage was very much uglier than I anticipated. I got to join the-after party-where I saw everything you need to know about Hujan. Seriously guys, these fellas were being snobbish! Not to me ye.., but to their hardcore fans. I wish you guys were there to witness firsthand how snobbish they were to their fans (Terutama skali Noh, vocalist diorg..kerek seyh). Kesian kt mereka2 nih...dh sapot gile2 tp kne lyn mcm tu (Mind you, I'm a fan, tp bkn hardcore hehehe...)

Ye la kn, they were cool and plain on stage tibe2 ble after-party...jd mcm lain plak..aih..Cter die pjg. Susah nk describe nk explain psl bnde nih...

One thing I can say for certain, obviously they don't know how to look cool without being smug!


Nonetheless, that would not deter me from listening to their music. At least, music is something that they're really good at. Hell yeah...