These posts are some of them. But never have I thought to use my blog to bitch around (Sorry, couldn't find appropriate synonyms for 'bitching' heh!) just to make myself happy like what this one fella did. So nak dijadikan cerita, I don't know how, but I suddenly came across a friend's blog. And I managed to read some of his posts. I enjoyed it until I came upon a post which made me somehow fuming.
(From this point onwards, I will refer this guy with 'His/He/Dia' in red colour mmkay)
Long story cut short, that entire post was about how he was pissed off because of my attitude towards this one incident. (Gladly, he didn't mention my name, as expected from any-luahan-perasaan-x-puas-hati-pnye post)
The incident was like this. It was the 1st day of Ramadhan and we (7+ ppl) went to the bazar Ramadhan dekat Bandar U. I left my kunci kereta dkt bilik. And so I tumpang his car. Bawak 2 kereta (His and Sapu's).
Sampai sane, we separated and beli makanan masing2...
After everything was settled, they went back to the car except for me who was still queuing to buy some food. And they waited long enough. And then Sapu called me when I was still waiting for my seemed-delicious-Kebab Daging. So I had to go back and canceled my order.
I rushed to the lot where they parked the cars ( somewhat disappointed because no kebab for that day!) and I saw Sapu's car, and his car.
Supposedly, I should've ridden on his car, but looking from the way the car was ready to speed back to the campus mcm roket nak berlepas (mcm x saba nak balik tu), I decided to ride on Sapu's car instead.
As soon as we got back to the campus, turun je daripada kereta Sapu, I headed straight to his car because apparently I left my student card there. Bile amik student card tu, this fella pun got out of his driving seat and unexpectedly feared me away with his furious question:
"Ko g mane td?!!", he fumingly enquired.
Aku yg terkejut nih langsung aa jd x okay. Frankly speaking, I saw this one coming from him. But NOT in an ENRAGING way!
Elok2 aku nak ckp sorry langsung aku reply balik dgn nada sinis + marah:
"Kalau ko nk balik awal sgt td, balik la dulu. Aku bole je naik sapu" <----This is the part where he was pissed off about.

And because of my enraging reply, he got very angry and thus luah perasaan kt blog la kn.
Haha..hello, ingat kamu je ke yang pissed off?
Nak ikut kan rase marah, sumeorang yg g Bazar hr tu marah. Mcm pergi menunaikan haji rasenye.
- Berhimpit-himpit
- tolak menolak
- kaki kena pijak
- beratur panjang + lameeeeee
- tambah penat lagi
Dahla aku sampai satu gerai air nih nk beli soya bean (sbb nmpk air kaler putih) kne beratur panjang + lameeeee giler!! Alih2 sampai depan, tgk2 bukan air soya bean. Dekat label tupperwear tu tulis "Air Honey Dew" rupenye. Ya Allah, panas hati la aku waktu tu. Cume bulan puase kn, so x dizahirkan marah waktu tu. Sabar.
Last2, considering that I would be late, I went ahead to buy that honey dew. (Kempunan x pat soya bean~)
Pastu bile tgh bli kebab, Sapu called and I had to cancel the order and rushed back to the car. I never noticed his calls except for Sapu's. Klw die miscall je, memang x kan perasan la.
Kempunan lagi sekali x pat bli kebab.
So nk ikut rasa marah, sumer org pn marah. The other fellas who followed that day didn't get what they were craving for as well. So, basically, everyone pn marah.
But it's not A BIG of a DEAL for us, at least for me!!
I thought the whole thing was nothing less than a messy outing. I really thought it was not a big deal then. Seriously, on our way back to UTP, Sapu, Jedi, Meji and I even MADE FUN of the WHOLE situation.
- We laughed berdekah-dekah on how the crowd was so fucking slow when they walked along the row of the stalls.
- We laughed on how the Bazar was so ridiculously terrible at having variety of food selection
- They laughed at me for having to wait forever just to figure out that the drink I was about to buy was not the drink I was looking for.
- We laughed basically on everything that had gotten us into that somewhat dreadful situation all the way back to UTP
Sme dlm kete sapu hr tu happy on the way back walaupun ade rase marah sket psl x pat bli makanan idaman.
Then suddenly came this guy throwing his-not-so-pleasant-tone-question to me.
And he wondered why I replied with such awful remarks?
Haha. Dah orang tetibe nk marah, aku reply nada marah gak aa. Sape suruh
And he expected me to say 'Sorry' after that kind of tone? What? Did he think I owe myself to him?
Then suddenly came this guy throwing his-not-so-pleasant-tone-question to me.
And he wondered why I replied with such awful remarks?
Haha. Dah orang tetibe nk marah, aku reply nada marah gak aa. Sape suruh
And he expected me to say 'Sorry' after that kind of tone? What? Did he think I owe myself to him?
In his post he said he was furious because waktu berbuka da nk dekat. So die marah sbb aku lambat so melambatkan die utk berbuke puase.
Duh! Habis tu, ingat aku ni x nak berbuke awal jgak ke? Ingat aku saje-saje lepak-lepak kt Bazar tu borak-borak dgn PakCik Kebab tanye "Bisnes okay PakCik?" ke? Ingat aku saje jalan-jalan kt Bazar tu nak cari kenalan baru bdak-bdak UiTM so boleh add kt facebook ke?
Ingat aku xde niat nk bukak awal jgak ke?
Silap la. Patutnye hr tu aku bawak keta sendre.
Ye la, ble menumpang ni dikatekan menyusahkan org lain (walaupun tade niat). And he said
Duh! Habis tu, ingat aku ni x nak berbuke awal jgak ke? Ingat aku saje-saje lepak-lepak kt Bazar tu borak-borak dgn PakCik Kebab tanye "Bisnes okay PakCik?" ke? Ingat aku saje jalan-jalan kt Bazar tu nak cari kenalan baru bdak-bdak UiTM so boleh add kt facebook ke?
Ingat aku xde niat nk bukak awal jgak ke?
Silap la. Patutnye hr tu aku bawak keta sendre.
Ye la, ble menumpang ni dikatekan menyusahkan org lain (walaupun tade niat). And he said
"..Bukan la aku nk ngunkit die nek kete aku ke ape.."
Seriously mate, the whole post you have there on ur blog is about mengungkit. Kalau serius die x kisah tumpangkan aku, tade nye nak tunjuk mcm "Dah lambat gile nih". Kereta tu mcm roket nak berlepas. Da ready kt bibir simpang tu nak pecut balik nih! Vroom! vroom!
Kalau ikhlas, he won't have to raise his voice nk tnye aku asl lambat. Tanye cam biase sudey. Ni gaya bertanye tu seolah-olah aku hutang segala masa die yg terbuang sbb tunggu aku. Seolah-olah "kne bayar gantirugi masa die yg terbuang tggu aku nih. Klw nk tumpang buat care tumpang!" Seolah-olah I owe everything to him because I happened to tumpang him that day.
Mcm x ikhlas la kn. If that's not mengungkit, I don't know what is.
"Seolah-olah" ye. No exaggeration. Hehe..
Nih last2. In that post, he added:
Nih last2. In that post, he added:
"Bukan la aku nk ngunkit die nek kete aku ke ape, kete die pon lagi gempak drpd kete aku, tp sbb aku marah so aku tanye la die. Xkn tanye pon xleh kot?"
Boleh...Boleh tanye. Tadehal. Ble aku naik keta Sapu tu, die pn tanye bnde yg same gak. Tp aku xde emo2 pun. Sbb die tnye care rilek. He didn't confront me as if I owe everything to him? Get what I mean? Xdela. Maksud aku die xdela tanye marah-marah mcm:
"Nih asal lambat nih!!! Tak reti bahasa ke!! Orang nak bukak puase ni tau x!! Lambat sial!!! Menyusahkan je!!!!"
"Mcm" ye. No exaggeration. Hehe...
Anyhoo, sumer bende ni tade pape sebenarnye.
Like what he mentioned:
Anyhoo, sumer bende ni tade pape sebenarnye.
Like what he mentioned:
"Tp besela dlm berkawan, mesti ade masenye akan berkonflik, aku x kate aku selalu betol, tp for this one time aku sgt kecewa ngan attitude die nih. tp stakat tu jela, x dendam pon, cume next time kene lebey beringat. Mamat nih biasenye ok jer, kitorang kawan da lame, had a lot of fun together, mebe skali nih aku terase ngan perbuatan die."
Kesimpulannye, I don't give a crap about the whole situation until I stumbled upon his post tu la. Saje je aku post entry nih. Saje nk reply post die psl bnde nih. Kasik bakar sket!! Muahahaha!
Aku pn x dendam. Sekadar meluah perasaan <---euuwwww!!
p/s: Klaka kot this whole entry. Silly argument over Bazar Ramadhan? What a loser I am!!

sabar =)
dude ~ cool dude ~ chill ~ ko slalunyer kool jer ~ lek lek beb ~ pasnie lu p naik keta snirik jer ~ biaser la... ORANG kalau da lapar, macam2 perangai/songeh/peel jd ~ hahaha yg sopan santun pon leh jadi jaws time lapo ~ lol ~ :D
nothing is worse than the exploded manhole outside our house. am i right?
dr pengalaman hidup yg lebih kurang sama byk ngan ko la kn,i learnt that dat r some people yg kter xley carik pasal of em is org yg tgh lapar...hahaha...lek,salam ramadhan~
eheh~ mcm org pompuan gaduh. :P
Yup. It was 1st ramadhan and I exploded already. How awful is that? Haha...
It's nothing really. It was us having a silly argument that last for an hour or so...lps tu ilek je g klas bersama-sama hahahahaha
Hahaha agree2 and a lot of ppl walk by that area without realizing they had stepped on their own crap...euwww!!
Senanye x lapa sgt pn... First day puase energy bnyk lg. Saje je aku tulis2 nih. Nak usik2 kasik bakar sket...kekeke!!
Looking back to the whole post, yah it does sound kinda girlish...Huhu <@:)
Muahaha! X sangka aku telah menggunakan blog utk luah perasaan yang sangatlah membazir space server blogger ini. This whole post was completely unnecessary....aih. Silly me.
salam thaqif~ hehehe, btol la kelakar la entry ko nih,aku bc dr mula smpai abis tu, jrg aku baca entry pnjang2 tnpa gmbar smpai abis :) nak tergelak pon ader. tringat mase ko gelak bile bc karangan panjg mrepek yg aku tulis kat buku latihan aku mase skolah dlu~ erk... ko igt ke? n most important, ko igt ke aku? hehe.. nway bro, nice blog, nice layout! i wudn't expect less from org berseni mcm ko nih :)
erm pasal ko n si kawan ko tuh~ hu2 biase la lumrah dunya~ kbykan nak pikiq perasaan sendiri ja, x pikiq prasaan org len :P we shud have more empathy in ourselves :)
how i really like the way u express ur feeling though, aku pon slalu wat gak kat blog, aku (haha sempat je promote) so ble2 pree datang la ek :)
so.. till then.wasalam :)
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